Evripidis Stylianidis


Evripidis Stylianidis

MP for Rodopi, GR/Ex-Minister Associate Professor, Law School, European University Cyprus
Hellenic Parliament/European University Cyprus

Dr. Evripidis St. Stylianidis born on April 8th, 1966 in Komotini, Greece, is married to Ms. Julie Papachristou and is father of Stylianos, Helena and Georgia.

He is a member of the Hellenic Parliament representing the County of Rodopi (Nea Dimokratia), Associate Professor at the Law School of the European University Cyprus (EUC), Attorney at Law, Dr Juris in Constitutional Law of the University of Hamburg Law School (1990-1994).

Dr. Stylianidis was elected twelve (12) times as Parliamentarian in Rodopi (2005-2015, 2019 until today). He is Greece’s Representative at the Committee for Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) as well as at the Committee for the Selection of Judges for the European Court of Human Rights. He served as the Head of the Hellenic Deputies at the Parliamentary Assembly (PA) of NATO (2013-2015). He was Delegate on behalf of the Hellenic Parliament at the EU Convention for the European Constitution in 2001.

He is the President of the Parliamentary Committee for the Constitutional Reform 2019.

He is a member of the Hellenic Parliament’s Standing Committee of External Affairs and National Security, of the Institutional and Transparency Committee, of the Educational Affairs Committee, of the Committee for the Review of the European Court of Justice’s Decisions, of the Committee on the Standing Orders and the Special Permanent Committee on Greeks Abroad.

Dr. Ε. Stylianidis served as a Deputy Minister of External Affairs (2004-2007), Minister of Education (2007-2009), Minister of Transportation and Communications (2009) and Minister of the Interior (2012-2013).

As the competent Secretary he drafted the Government’s Schedule of Action on behalf of Nea Dimokratia (2011-2012). He was elected President of the Youth Organisation of New Democracy (1994-1995) and was candidate for the European Parliament in 1994. Evripidis was elected President of the Students’ Association at the Law School of Demokritos University of Thrace (1984-1989), where he graduated from, while he represented said Association in the Council and the Central Commission of EFEE (Pan-Hellenic Students’ Union).

He was honored with various scholarships in Greece and abroad. He participated in Young Leaders’ Programmes in the USA (German Marshall Fund of the United States), in France (Ministries of International Affairs and Defense) and in Germany.

Dr. Stylianidis has been honored through a series of distinctions by the Kings of Denmark and of Belgium as well as the Presidents of Germany, Austria and Hungary for his contribution in favor of the development of bilateral relations.

He worked as a local Collaborator of the Greek Government with the General Consulate in Hamburg (1991-1994), as a Researcher at the European Public Law Organization in Greece (EPLO, 1996-2001) as well as an attorney at law.

Dr. Stylianidis’ Publications include a series of scientific articles and contributions in Greece and abroad. He is the author of the following books:

· Grundrechte und Gesetzesvorbehalt in der griechischen Verfassung und im Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, in German language (The Fundamental Rights and the legislative reservation in the Hellenic and German Constitution), Mauke Söhne, Hamburg 1995 (Dissertation)

· Break the Silence (in Greek), ed. Anatolikos, Kavala 1997.

· Against the “minorities” Dictatorship: an intervention for the Constitutional Revision of Article 16 (in Greek) ed. I. Sideris, Athens 2007 with co. authorship by Manolis Kottakis.

· Active Civilians – Contemporary Interactive Political Parties, A comparative approach, ed. I. Sideris, Athens 2010 (in Greek).

· Everything is a matter of education: A manual of educational legislation, Project, 2007-2009, ed. Minoas, Athens 2011 (Monography in Greek)

· Innenansichten einer geprüften Nation: Politik und Gesellschaft in Griechenland (inner look atf a challenged nation: politics and society in Greece), a contribution upon invitation by his Excellence the President of the Bavarian Parliament and the Academy for the Political Education of Tutzing, 27.10.2015, ed. in Akademiegespräche im Landtag, Tutzing/München 2016).

· Thrace: The next step…., ed. Minoas, Athina 2016 (monography in Greek).

· Thrace: The Greek Model of an Open Democratic Society, Athens 2018, ed. Minoas 2018.

· Constitutional Revision 2019: New Beginning or Lost Chance?, Athens 2020, ed. Nomiki Vivliothiki 2020 (monography in Greek).

Prof. Stylianidis speaks English and German. He is native in Greek.